Monday, December 29, 2008


记得2008年开始,当时还在印度,呆在印度(India)都要快半年了,真的有点闷了,想换一个环境.到印度出差牺牲了很多,如在那边过2008年新年,在那边过生日,也在那边过华人新年,还有也少了和一些朋友联系.华人新年没有回家可能是我最大的牺牲吧!!!还记的当时的年初一我还在印度的乡下工作...当时的心情真的难以形容也永远都难忘.虽然有牺牲了一些东西但还是有收获的..在那边认识了一些人,在那边得到一些人生经验,在那边也去了很多地方. 可能很难把牺牲和获得来衡量.但我觉得有得就有失...看开点...到现在对印度还是有一点怀念的,可能是第一个出差的国家吧...哈哈...最自豪的还是在印度去了很多地方..如去了两个重要的城市孟买和新德里,恒河,TajMahal,Lucknow,Vanarasi, 等等...虽然印度还有要进步的地方,但我对印度还是有一丝丝的怀念...

Taj Mahal




Varanasi 恒河

印度回来过后,不久就知道自己要去一个太平洋岛国做项目...汤加(Tonga),之前真的完全没有听过有这个国家的名字.没办法还是要去,在网上找了一些资料,大概知道是一个蛮原始的岛国...去吧!!!完全没考虑因为老板叫我去...哈哈...当时在纽西兰(New Zealand)专机,也在那边诳了几小时,第一次到西方国家(可以这么说吧,因为还是由白人管理),也没什么特别就是外国人多一点...(在那边我就是外国人,他们就是本地人了,感觉真奇怪,但在自己的心里白人永远都是外国人...哈哈). 走一走了奥克兰(Auckland),就是觉得是不错的城市,但没有想移民的念头.


到了汤加机场,机场很小,我就觉得这个国家也不大了...哈哈...这里基本就是三个大岛群组成的一个国家.第一次到岛国什么都是觉得很新鲜...如这里的人很高大(不是一般的高大,是很很很高大,不管男女), 这里的岛民都是吃木薯和芋头, 还有便宜又大的龙虾. 很幸运的,我在这里去了三个大岛群的主岛...Tongatapu, Ha'apai和Vava'u.还记得第一次乘搭十二人小型飞机时,在飞机上看下去..小岛,碧海和蓝天的结合...太美了,那个美真的难于形容...终生难忘...还有这里的沙滩和海水真的太干净了...


Tongatapu Island

Ha'apai Island

Vava'u Island

续汤加过后又是另一个岛国, 瓦努阿图(Vanuatu),又是一个美丽的太平洋岛国.在这个项目完全可以说地狱式工作...每天都是忙忙忙...压力又大,但是看到成果还是很自豪的...哈哈...因为全岛国新的无线网络,自己参与了很多...当时真的很欣慰看到完成的哪一刹那...在这里学习了很多,经历了很多,收获了很多,也成长了很多.还认识和加深了一些马来西亚(Malaysia)朋友或同事的友谊,如果没他们在那边的日子不懂怎么过...真的幸运...说完正经的要说玩的了...哈哈...在那边大概架过大大小小有十辆不同的车,有Van, 四轮驱动(four-wheel drive),等等.驾驶盘还是在左遍的,当时驾车技术真的是一流,上山下海不是问题...哈哈...我在那边除了在主岛Efate Island和Port Villa小城市, 还去了一些其他的小岛如Santo, Epi和Emae Island. 幸运的在那边第一次乘搭直升机去Epi和Emae Island. 真的是人生难得又难忘的经验...在那边看到美丽的高山,海水,蓝天,沙滩还有清澈的河水,很多地方的景色仿佛是画面里走出来...虽然瓦努阿图是我工作地狱的地方,但也是我工作成长的地方,所以多多少少还是怀念那个美丽的太平洋岛国,因为有太多的经历了.


Epi Island

Port Villa

Santo Island

在我完成瓦努阿图项目后,回去时会在澳洲(Australia)的悉尼(Sydney)专机和要去办公室,所以我和一位朋友就打算在那边走走几天. 澳洲是我第二个到西方国家..悉尼比起纽西兰的奥克兰大很多,可以去的地方也很多.在悉尼真的有西方国家的感觉.在这里也去了很多地方如歌剧院,Darling Harbor,动物园,等等.还到大海看了巨大的鲸鱼...哈哈...在悉尼住了几天,虽然没有完完全全走完悉尼但觉得是值得的,因为最少看过了澳洲.


Blue Mountain

斐济(Fiji)是我岛国的第三个旅程,陆续汤加和瓦努阿图项目后.我也要到斐济支持项目.去过了两个岛国,所以到斐济就没有什么新鲜感了.但到了这里真的比前两个岛国有很大的不同.这里是全太平洋岛国里最好的岛国,有Shopping Mall, MacDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, 很多中餐,日本餐,韩国餐,西餐,等等.真的是很不错的.除了一些日常需求可以满足到你,这里也有很多美丽的海滩,度假村,和酒店.斐济完全是一个旅游天堂,从便宜到贵都可以在这里找到.度假村,和酒店都很好的. 有时间还可以到很多小岛一日游.在那边生活是很好的(如果有钱的话...哈哈).在这里出差两个月,也学了很多,辛苦一定比不过在瓦努阿图的时候,但我记得当时生病了几天也要工作,一言难尽...在斐济也很不错,因为可以去到两个主岛, Viti Levu和Vanua Levu.还有一些小城市Suva, Nadi, Labasa和Savusavu.除此之外还去了一些地方玩.真的是工作之余不忘娱乐...哈哈.



Mango Bay

Vanua Levu Island


2008年总结站应该是孟加拉(Bangladesh)了,这里可能比上印度的大城市,但这里好的是有很多的餐厅,可以吃到很好的中餐,和外国餐...哈哈...到这里工作,忙和闲的时候都不是很平均,所以忙的时候就当学习, 闲的时候就当休息...哈哈...来这里也没特别的获益,最值得就是在这里有一大班的同事朋友,一起工作,一起玩和一起吃饭.闲的时候还可以打乒乓,打打Pool和唱唱karaoke.日子还是不错的,就是多了一些时间.哈哈.


2008年经过了七个国家,印度,纽西兰,汤加,瓦努阿图,澳洲,斐济和孟加拉.看了很多事和物,在这一年也收获了很多.希望对自己的成长有很大的帮助.所谓有得一定有失,在这一年很少时间在马来西亚,失去了和家人朋友相聚得机会.当回到马来西亚时,一定要珍惜所有的时间.希望2009年会有更不一样的旅程. 2008年再见了,2009年新年快乐.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bangladesh --- Journey of Parliament House of Bangladesh

This is the first time go a place that can consider tourist place of Bangladesh.
Parliament House of Bangladesh. Then just take some nice pictures.
Not bad to come here, at least can take some nice pictures.

Parliament House of Bangladesh

Nice view, behind is Parliament House

In front of Parliament House is Zia Uddyan Park

Bangladesh --- Merry Christmas 25-12-2008

Christmas actually not so important for me to celebrate, since also is a special day then just going out with colleagues; eat some nice western food. After that go Westin hotel again for some drink. Haha. Not much feeling celebrate the Christmas at oversea but have a gathering is not bad. Merry Christmas to all of my friend.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter – 冬天

Before experience the winter, I always think that can see the snow and always will be at Europe or American country. But first time I experience winter is at India, that time at Lucknow, it is a city in the province that near Nepal. That time is the first time I experience winter, I still remember that time is less that 10 degree Celsius, one week only bath 1 time or 2 times. Super cool. No mood to go any place because really cool. First time experience winter in India, just feel different from what I always think.

Second time I experience the winter is at Sydney, Australia. That time go there around 4 to 5 days. Not very cool but also have 16 degree Celsius. Just feel that, actually winter really no so good, because very cool, also need to wear a lot of cloth or jacket.

Now is the third time to experience the winter, at Dhaka, Bangladesh. Not very cool also, almost same weather with Genting Highlands. Is the third time already, therefore not so excited.

Although already experience the winter, but I still wish can experience winter in Europe or American country. Feel and see the snow at there. I think is really different form what I experience winter at India and Bangladesh. Hahaha. If really no chance to go Europe or American country maybe also can go Japan and Korea to experience winter. I think go China also can because China also can see the snow. Hahaha. But more prefer go Europe or American country; maybe can feel the Christmas day and fulfill my childhood's wish.

Just upload some winter scene in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bangladesh --- Journey of Dhaka City

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, although come here around 2 months, but still haven’t descripted this city in my blog. First time reach the airport of Dhaka, first impression is better than airport of Mumbai, maybe the first impression of India that time is too terrible. Haha.
Here got a lot of tricycle, but is easy for go a place nearby. This city not much place to go (maybe didn’t go), come here so long also didn’t visit any place, just go some shopping mall, but the shopping mall here also not much thing to buy. And then want find a post card and post office also very difficult in here, somemore some of the local people also don’t know where go post office. Here got a lot of restaurant, Chinese food, Korean food, Japanese food, western food, fast food (Only KFC and local fast food, local fast food here got BFC, FFC,, CFC …and so many fast food with the title of FC…) and so on. So finding food here is not difficult. Is a nice city to stay if you are rich, because you can stay here as a big boss. I prefer to come here for a while but not for long…hahaha.
At Dhaka also didn’t take picture much. Now just upload some picture in blog that take by me and friends. Mostly in Gulsan area.

Gulsan 2 Market

The apartment that I stay

Have free time then go Westin Hotel for drinking with friends. Just go 2 times only, because not very rich. Haha

Here also got King's Bread Shop. Malaysia Brand

Come here eat a lot of ice cream, Baskin robbins, Movenpick and Gelato.